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Segment knife

Segment blade

Art.-no. 06965132
EAN 4045989088836
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Fein art. no. recoded to Würth art. no.

The three digits after 639 03 ... in original Fein numbers are crucial, or the three-digit number punched into the knives.

  • If the number begins with 0, e.g. 095, the 0 is replaced with a 5 and the result is given the prefix 0696. In this instance, for example, the Würth art. no. would be 0696 595.

  • If the number starts with "1" or "2", e.g.126, the "1" or "2" is prefixed with a "5" and the entire number is prefixed with 0696, i.e. the Würth art. no. is e.g. 0696 512 6.
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Application area

For vehicles with extra-wide adhesive beading

Suitable machines

Fein Supercut (400 W), Würth EMS 400, Würth DMS 2, Würth EMS 1.6, Würth EMS 2.0

Cust. Mat. No.

Hazardous Material

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