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Pneumatic hose reel DSA 15
Pneumatic hose reel DSA 15 - 1
Pneumatic hose reel DSA 15 - 2
Pneumatic hose reel DSA 15 - 3

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Pneumatic hose reel DSA 15

Practical reel winder with highquality hybrid polymer hoses in different sizes. Order and safety at the workplace.

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Rugged, closed plastic housing

Hose and winding mechanism are protected against dust and other soiling

High-qualilty hybrid polymer hoses

  • Oil-resistant with an extremely low weight

  • Excellent behavior in low and high temperature range

High flow capacity of hoses

No pressure drop for increased efficiency and lower costs

Wall, ceiling and floor mounting possible.

For universal use without additional changes

180-degree swinging mechanism

High freedom of movement and operating comfort

  • Hoses and cables lying on the ground present a considerable source of danger and can result in accidents.

  • Eliminate obstacles that can cause tripping at your company and help prevent accidents (accident prevention regulations).

  • Hoses which constantly lie on the floor or on a workbench are damaged more easily and must be replaced more often.

  • Hose reels prevent this kind of damage, as the hose is always only unrolled for use.

Solvent (such as diesel oil) could harm the hose.