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Plug-in nipple Series 2000
Plug-in nipple Series 2000 - 1
Plug-in nipple Series 2000 - 2

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Plug-in nipple Series 2000

With male thread

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Available in 1 version

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High flow rate of up to 2100 l/min and maximum operating pressure of 16 bar

Enables optimum compressed air supply and output utilisation of compressed air consumers. Results in greater productivity and lower energy costs.

Air-tight connections

Low energy consumption and a high level of efficiency

Hardened steel nipples

For max. pressure-bearing capacity and long service life.

Exposed surfaces are chrome-plated, nickel-plated or galvanised

High corrosion resistance for protection even under demanding conditions.

Series 2000 fittings comply with the European standard and have a nominal width of 7.6 mm

Euro profiles are compatible with other compressed air fittings.

Material: Steel