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Stone chip protection AQUA
Stone chip protection AQUA - 1
Stone chip protection AQUA - 2

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Stone chip protection AQUA

Climate-optimized, paintable, water-based stone chip protection.

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Available in 1 version

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  • Dries completely down to -10 °C

  • Fine and coarse structures can be sprayed depending on the application

  • Excellent anti-humming effect

  • Very high abrasion resistance

  • Suitable for oven drying

  • Very easy to sand once completely dry

Dries down to -10 °C. When painting, ambient influences must be taken into account. Do not spray on joints, engines, gears and brake systems. Dilution with water (max. 2 %) possible. With IR (infrared) drying, the following must be taken into account: Maximum drying time depends on the temperature, coat thickness, fresh air and air supply. The material must not be heated above max. 60 °C during IR drying, as blistering may occur

The usage instructions are recommendations based on the tests we have conducted and our experience; carry out your own tests before each application. Due to the large number of applications and storage and processing conditions, we do not assume any liability for a specific application result. Insofar as our free customer service provides technical information or acts as an advisory service, no responsibility is assumed by this service except where the advice or information given falls within the scope of our specified, contractually agreed service or the advisor was acting deliberately. We guarantee consistent quality of our products. We reserve the right to make technical changes and further develop products.