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Cable tie, UV-resistant, with plastic latch
Cable tie, UV-resistant, with plastic latch - 1
Cable tie, UV-resistant, with plastic latch - 2

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Cable tie, UV-resistant, with plastic latch

UV-resistant design for quick, problem-free and reliable bundling of cables, cable harnesses and hoses.

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Available in 1 version

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Optimum head and fastening geometry

Excellent binding behaviour even under the most difficult conditions, such as: moisture, heat, cold.

Can be processed by hand

No additional assembly tools required

Angled cable tie ends: 2.4 + 3.6 + 4.8 mm

Convenient looping

Resistant to bases, oils, greases and motor vehicle fuels.

Not resistant to mineral acids and/or oxidising chemicals

Halogen- and silicone-free


The UV resistant cable ties meet the ISO 4892-2 standard: Plastics – Synthetic irradiation or weathering in equipment – part 2: xenon-arc lamps. 1000 hours of irradiation or weathering using this test method is required by the IEC 62275, EN 62275 and UL 62275 standards for UV-resistant cable ties.

This test procedure involves a short test. This test cannot be extrapolated in accordance with the actual service life of cable ties under irradiation or weathering with UV lights. A number of factors may impair the degree of correlation between short tests with laboratory light sources and the actual exposure to external light sources under real operating conditions:

a) Differences in the spectral distribution of laboratory light sources and daylight;

b) Weathering or irradiation periods in which ongoing weathering or irradiation with light from a laboratory light source without any periods of darkness is used;

c) Weathering or irradiation conditions under which very frequent changes between high and low test temperatures arise or unrealistic temperature shocks are created;

d) Unrealistically high or low humidity level;

e) Lack of biological agents or pollutants.